1. Struggle Within The Characters Mind * 1 Point Man Vs. Himself Man Vs. Man Man Vs. Soc…

1. struggle within the characters mind
1 point
Man Vs. Himself
Man Vs. Man
Man Vs. Society
Man Vs. Nature
Man Vs. Technology
Man Vs. Supernatural
2. struggle against an animal or force of nature
1 point
Man Vs. Himself
Man Vs. Man
Man Vs. Society
Man Vs. Nature
Man Vs. Technology
Man Vs. Supernatural
3. conflict against the majority or community
1 point
Man Vs. Himself
Man Vs. Man
Man Vs. Society
Man Vs. Nature
Man Vs. Technology
Man Vs. Supernatural
4. conflict against a supernatural force
1 point
Man Vs. Himself
Man Vs. Man
Man Vs. Society
Man Vs. Nature
Man Vs. Technology
Man Vs. Supernatural
5. conflict where two characters are against each other
1 point
Man Vs. Himself
Man Vs. Man
Man Vs. Society
Man Vs. Nature
Man Vs. Technology
Man Vs. Supernatural​

1. Man Vs. Himself

2. Man Vs. Nature

3. Man Vs. Society

4. Man Vs. Supernatural

5. Man Vs. Man

i hope it helps 🙂

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