Category: English

How To Write Excuse Letter

how to write excuse letter Set up the margin. Put the date on the upper right part of the paper. Write”To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear________” on the …

Why The Cow Is Have Milk?

Why the cow is have milk? Answer: Cows don’t always have milk in their udders, and they don’t need to be milked by farmers. They produce milk for the same reason human women do: to …

Anecode Fiction Or Non Fiction?​

anecode fiction or non fiction?​ Answer: Anecdotes may be real or fictional, the anecdotal digression is a common feature of literary works and even oral anecdotes typically involve subtle …

What Is Argumentative Essay?​

What is Argumentative Essay?​ Answer: The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a …