Choose The Letter Of The Best Answer. Write The Chosen Letter On A Separate Sheet Of Pape…

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. is the famous and recognizable cartoon character of the whole world?

A. Barbie
B. Bugs Bunny
C. Superman
D. Mickey Mouse

2. is considered as the famous and the best cartoon character in the whole world.

A. The Power Girls
B. Dora the Explorer
C. Tom and Jerry
D. Mickey Mouse hapur

3. is a dog that is very inspiring and famous for his action.

A. Superman
B. Scooby Doo
C. Barbie
D. Mickey Mouse RA 212020

4. is considered as a best friend of every girl.

A. Dora the Explorer
B. Barbie
C. Mickey Mouse
D. Scooby Doo

5. is very old and a favorite cartoon of all times.

A. Mickey Mouse
B. Superman
C. Scooby Doo
D. Homer Simpson​


1. D. Mickey Mouse

2. D. Mickey Mouse hapur

3. B. Scooby Doo

4. B. Barbie

5. A. Mickey Mouse

hope it helps^_^

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