Here Are Some Of The Commonly Confused Words According To The Oxford…

Here are some of the commonly confused words according to the Oxford Dictionary. How is each different in meaning from the other? Please consult your dictionary for your answers. a. accept vs. except b. advice vs. advise c. affect vs. effect d. born vs. borne e. bough vs. borne f. censure vs. censor g. complement vs. compliment h. defuse vs. diffuse i. discreet vs. discrete j. elicit vs. illicit k. ensure vs. insure 1. forbear vs. forebear m. ingenious vs. ingenuous n. lay v. lie o. loose vs. lose p. prescribe vs. proscribe q. principal vs. principle r. stationary vs. stationery s. there vs. their vs. they’re t. weather vs. whether C כ​


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