Instruction: Make A Concept Map About El Niño And La Niña. Comp…

Instruction: Make a concept map about El Niño and La Niña. Complete the table below. Definition: EL NIÑO CAUSE EFFECT El Niño and La Niña Definition: LA NIÑA CAUSE EFFECT



El Niño: A climate pattern that occurs when the surface water temperature in the eastern Pacific Ocean becomes warmer than usual, leading to changes in atmospheric circulation and weather patterns around the world.
La Niña: A climate pattern that occurs when the surface water temperature in the eastern Pacific Ocean becomes cooler than usual, leading to changes in atmospheric circulation and weather patterns around the world.

El Niño: An abnormal warming of the ocean surface in the eastern Pacific Ocean caused by a weakening of the trade winds and changes in ocean currents.
La Niña: An abnormal cooling of the ocean surface in the eastern Pacific Ocean caused by a strengthening of the trade winds and changes in ocean currents.

El Niño: Changes in weather patterns around the world, including droughts, floods, and storms. It can also impact fisheries, agriculture, and human health.
La Niña: Changes in weather patterns around the world, including colder temperatures, increased rainfall in some areas, and droughts in others. It can also impact fisheries, agriculture, and human health.
I hope this information helps you complete your table.

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